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Still working on getting albums approved six, nine, twelve months down the line? This will be eating into your time and your profit. Here are some simple ways to get albums approved quickly, while adding value for your client and offering them a great experience. 1. Get in quick! There's before the shoot and there's after the shoot. Before, they're looking at your products (yeah, nice!) and photos of … other people. Afterwards they have your photos of them to fall in love with — and they will. But get in quick! — before the emotion of To View More >>

It's been hard keeping this a secret, but finally we can announce the re-launch of Queensberry's handmade frames. We took them along to NZIPP Infocus over the weekend and everyone just loved them, so we’re excited to share them with you all. What's new: A fresh Italian moulding, seven colours, and thirteen sizes from A5 to 40x30 (that's big!), matted or un-matted. Multi-aperture mat templates too, plus sharp prices and no extra charge for shipping. Read on for details and to grab 20% off until August 1st using code FRAMERELAUNCH. To View More >>

Did you know that we offer free album design and basic colour correction? But ... our holiday season deadline is fast approaching! Our trained designers are experts at weaving stories from a wedding's worth of images. They're experts at designing our more complex Duo and Musee albums too, leaving you to do what you love and do best – take photos. When Queensberry designs your album, both you and your client will be able to request changes from the comfort of your computers with our Workspace album proofing system. We know the holiday season can be very busy To View More >>

Matted prints are proving to be a great sales tools within the professional photographer community, and since Sue Bryce introduced her 'reveal wall' sales technique, photographers have been jumping on this for their own studios. Our Studio Boxes and Slip-in mats are designed so you can stock up with products, and order your Queensberry prints separately. The prints will only take a few days to arrive depending on whether you want us to colour correct or not … or of course you could print your own. Either way, you'll be able to schedule a To View More >>

Isn't technology great? A decade ago "photo books" were a wonder. I can create one-off books! Printed on both sides! Like a glossy magazine! We loved them too, and launched Q Books in 2010. But now photo books are … just a glossy magazine! Commodity products with prices to match. Mostly sold direct to consumers, meaning very little value in them for photographers… Something for people who get their photography on a flashdrive. Q Books still look great, as beautifully printed and bound as our albums, but for a couple of years the trend has been To View More >>
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